**A list of my certifications and trainings are in the drop down box, above, under HOME labeled 'About Suzanne"
A Gentle Stretch Wellness - Fitness for 60+ programs are therapeutically influenced. The holistic application allows one with limitations to be able to combine breath and movement that gently challenges but does not go past your level of comfort.
- We breathe and move our whole physical self. Movements become secondary to breathing,
- going towards an alignment best for your body and elongating the vertebrae for less compression,
- stretching for healthy muscles,
- gentle rotations allowing mobility for the vertebrae,
- strengthening for self-confidence and feeling stronger in mind and physical body,
- balance for fall prevention,
- and resting your body for restoration and healing.
- Your breath and movement will tell your nervous system if your are parasympathetic, which is rest and digest, or sympathetic which is fight or flight. then the nervous system shakes hands with your brain. Thus, in order to have a parasympathetic nervous system, breathe with slow, meditative movements and let the healing begin...................... Find that focal point as you breathe and get inside your mind, body and soul and do what your body gives you permission to do while working through limitations and going towards a better quality of life.
Always consult with your primary doctor for your health plan.