If you are attending Qigong class at The Simple Life and the weather is questionable and I cannot get there, I will contact The Simple Life office and let them know as well as email some of you directly.
If you are attending YOQI class at Carolina Village and the weather is questionable and I cannot get there, I will contact Carolina Village and let them know as well as email some of you directly.
If you are attending classes at the First United Methodist Church and the weather is questionable, please call the church and listen to their recording for opening/closing of their venue 828-6. I will also be sending an email for current students or all 828-693-4275 or call me 910-308-8982.
If you are attending classes at the Lake Rugby location, and the weather is questionable, an email or text will go out one hour before your class time or call me at 910-308-8982.